Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pushing Boundaries

How far can we push the boundaries of Hyperrealism?  Is it merely an exploration into flat illusion, or perhaps merely vain demonstrations of personal ability?  With so many artists doing practically the same thing, it's hard to imagine that there is any further to go, aside from the full-blown hyperrealistic sculpture.  But staying within the bounds of two-dimensional art, I realize there has to be something more.  As artists, it is our job to reach for higher grounds; to push the limits and think outside of the box in order to transcend our contemporaries.

Currently I am experimenting with some techniques that may help me push the illusion of three dimensionality within a two dimensional work of art.  I'm attempting to utilize thick transparent layers to literally lift each layer of depth within the work, much like putting a pane of glass between them.  I have no idea if this will work, or what it will look like, but I am excited and curious.

I have many problems to solve before I can try it on a painting, and so far I'm having fun.  That's very important too.

1 comment:

  1. Hyperrealism is one of those 'ism's that don't get chosen for display in museums and public galleries by their buyers. So the quest to get it accepted as a modern art movement like abstract art and conceptual art by the 'big guns' is extremely difficult. The reasons why it isn't accepted is that it still doesn't come across as 'arty' or wacky enough. So the boundaries have to be breached somehow. I also have a few ideas up my sleeve to try and achieve this for the sake of hyperrealism.
    Having adopted this style of painting, I feel that I can't go back to painting realism or representational art as I would feel them unfinished (as they kind of are)!

    So forward into new realms is the only option. Just painting still life or portraiture just isn't enough to get noticed amongst the ever-growing crowd of hyperrealists.

    Best of luck, Nate and I look forward to seeing you new works.
