Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wonderful Opening night, followed by free DAM

Dispite the crowds, free Saturdays at the DAM are so great.  Finally I got to see some different work up, since they re-arranged some things since I was last there.  But I still made a point of looking at some of my favorites;  Bouguereau, Helnwein, Sprick, Frasier, Carravaggio, Robert Bateman, and James Bama to name a few.

It was an introspective experience, having just followed a long evening for my opening reception.  So, having my work, my message, and my artistic goals fresh in my head, the work I saw allowed me to contemplate more avenues and ideas that I would like to try.

One thing that was particularily romantic about my favorite pieces, in particular Carravaggio, James Bama, Scott Frasier, and the William Bouguereau, is the smoothness of the paintings.  The layers of paint that built up ontop of the canvas filled in all the little weaves, really making the painting feel like thick, wet paint.  That is one element of traditional painting that I miss and have always wanted to achieve in my airbrush/acrylic work.  For my next project, I'm going to try building up the layers of gesso on the canvas to create a super-smooth surface, so that once the painting is complete and I've varnished it with its final glossy coat, the work will hold more of the feeling of paint.  Besides, losing the canvas texture will also make the work look less like simply a photograph printed onto a canvas... 

I have to admit, I am very excited to begin my next painting.  Before I begin, however, I am taking a moment to explore my photographic work.  My references need to be strong, and hold to the message as best as possible, so doing several photo-shoots at one time for different work will be a good idea.  I won't take too long, though, because the blank canvas in my studio is calling for me to put some paint on it.

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